When asked about her talent, the great Mayada El Hennawi called Hind "one of today's greatest, most beautiful voices," and for good reason. The young Bahraini singer's soulful approach to everything from traditional Saudi and Emirati songs to pop and ballads, is a refreshing change in a genre where young singers tend to stick to simple, non-challenging songs. The album has an impressive list of musicians, with Dr. Abdelrab Idriss, Nicolas Saade Nakhle, Michel Fadel, Tarek Aakef, Nizar Abdallah, İsmail Tunçbilek (on bouzouk), and Ali Bin Mohamed (who duets with her on the "Khaliji blues"-style Yeji Mennak). The album is very diverse, for example Thebahni El Shoug employs an Iraqi beat, while Teshteki has delightfully classic approach, and the Lebanese hit Maw'ed Omur brings in electric guitars and bongos. So even if you don't like one song, you will definitely find one you love. This is a high-quality production from beginning to end; synths are kept at a minimum and the instruments range from traditional ney, oud, kanun, and rebab to guitars and saxophones. Understandably, Hind recorded in Cairo, Bahrain, Dubai, Beirut, and Kuwait, with musicians from the Gulf, Egypt, Lebanon, and Turkey playing the various instruments. Easily her most hyped album to date, Hind's 2008 album is definitely worth a thorough listen.
Track List:
1. Meridh El Mahabba
2. Yeji Mennak
3. Thebahni El Shoug
4. Eb Kel Basata
5. Abih Yeshouf
6. Aaf El Farah
7. Hameti
8. Tawwek Ala Bali
9. Jaitek
10. Teshteki
11. Men Int
12. Maw'ed Omur
Track List:
1. Meridh El Mahabba
2. Yeji Mennak
3. Thebahni El Shoug
4. Eb Kel Basata
5. Abih Yeshouf
6. Aaf El Farah
7. Hameti
8. Tawwek Ala Bali
9. Jaitek
10. Teshteki
11. Men Int
12. Maw'ed Omur